About Mitchell PTO
"A strong PTO benefits all involved - students, teachers and parents alike"
What do we do?
Provide student planners and B.O.B's (student binders)
Field trips
Fund curriculum materials and technology
Organize and distribute textbooks/school supplies
Maintain challenge course for teamworks
Host staff appreciation activities
Fund professional development for staff
Co-sponsor guest author visits
Organize Socials/6th grade End of year Celebration
Publish the yearbook
Found it Friday (coordinate lost and found)
Red Ribbon Week
Landscape Maintenance
School directory
Maintain and coordinate volunteers
Social media management/website
How do we raise money?
We provide a wide range of support and services for our Mitchell Mustangs, teachers and staff. In order to achieve this, we need to raise money by:
Direct Donations
Spirit Wear
Retail Rewards
Fall Fundraiser
Spirit Nights
Naming Opportunities
Corporate Matching